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Full Range VoIP Phones for Various Business Size and Use

We provide full range VoIP Phones from Entry level to Executive Level to the market include Small Medium Business(SMB), Government and Enterprise, and Internet Telephony Service Providers( ITSP). Also, we have done and keep on doing the Interoperability work with many popular Phone Systems not only On premises PBX but Hosted PBX as well.

The"Three-Easy" of Htek IP Phones for IT Administrators and End users

Htek all series IP Phones are easy to deploy, easy to configure and easy to use. It’s totally Zero-touch for end users. The phones can be easily auto provisioned by all certified phone system or by our own HPT (Htek Provision Tools). The rich features, multi-function and high quality of the phones also mostly satisfy the administrators and end users.


Instant VoIP news keep you updated and lead to the future.


Immediate attention to our excellent exhibitions,
roadshows, webinars and training.

    Booth: H23-01A
    Date: 14-18 October, 2024
    Add: Dubai World Trade Centre, United Arab Emirates

  • ISE 2025

    Booth: 1D200
    Date: 4-7 February, 2025
    Add: Fira Barcelona Spain

  • ITEXPO 2025

    Booth: #2140
    Date: February 11-13, 2025
    Add: Fort Lauderdale, Florida